Imagine, if you can, as the first Norwegian settlers came in 1856 to a new and strange country in search of the freedom to worship as they pleased and make a new life for themselves and their families. Other settlers followed and with the love of their native land still filling their hearts, they settled near the lakes in order to enjoy the fishing here, a constant reminder of home. They came a few at a time to settle here on the fertile land near the shores of Lura Lake, northwest of Delavan, Minnesota.
This beautiful West Delavan Lutheran Church, built in 1886, stood majestically near the shores of Lura Lake well over a century. When the doors were officially closed in 1962 the building became easy prey for vandals. The eighteen mile move to the History Lane on the Faribault County Fairgrounds in 2004, and its rededication that same year, allowed those who had family ties to the church breathe easier, knowing that it would be loved and taken care of in the future.
Many watched as the restoration work continued slowly. Not only those on the Faribault County Historical Society board but many, many community members just "dropped in to offer a bit of time" to this project. The wood foundation had to be completed, steps, railings and handicap access built, the beautiful bell and bell tower were re-installed and the steeple was lifted into place and secured. Soon exterior and interior painting, landscaping, furnishings and accessories brought new life to this aged church building.
Since 2004, the doors have been opened to welcome many visitors, local as well as nationwide and beyond. Voices have been raised as church services have been conducted and wedding vows have been taken as couples enjoy the unique atmosphere of this restored center of worship.